














Hey Nick, what exactly is motion branding?

Motion branding is about using animated visuals (both 2D and 3D) to give your brand a dynamic edge. Instead of static logos or graphics, motion branding adds movement, giving your brand a more engaging and memorable presence in the digital space. It's like turning your branding dial up to 11 and communicating ideas in ways that good copywriting can't accomplish on it's own.

How long does it usually take to complete a project?

Great question! It varies depending on the complexity and specifics of what you need. Typically, a project can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months. We'll nail down a timeline once we chat about your needs.

Is this gonna break my bank?

I get it, budgeting is crucial. While I don’t offer bargain-basement prices, what I do promise is value. You're investing in high-quality, tailored solutions that will serve your brand for the long haul. Let's discuss your budget, and I’ll be transparent about what we can achieve and whether or not you should start selling yourself on the street corner.

Can you handle my specific industry? We're not exactly the creative type.

Absolutely! I get it, not every industry is exciting. I've worked with automotive, trucking, business tech, legal, medical, and financial businesses as well. While these industries don't get me as creatively excited as a rock band music video might, I'm going to assume you're on the same page - and we both understand that motion branding is kind of a must have for everyone these days. No worries! I'm all about tailoring my services to fit your unique vibe and needs. If you've got a brand, I'm here to make it move. You and me will just have to drink a shit lot more coffee before hand to get jazzed about it!

What if I already have branding materials? Can we incorporate them?

For sure! If you’ve got existing branding elements you love, I’m more than happy to integrate them into the motion graphics and videos we create. It’s all about making your brand cohesive and amplified.

Do I have a say during the creation process?

100%. I got you. This is a collaboration. While I'll bring my expertise to the table, I always value feedback and ensure you're onboard with every decision.

I'm new to all this. Will I get guidance on how to use what we create?

Definitely. Once we wrap up, I'll give you the rundown on how to best utilize the assets we've crafted to maximize your brand's impact.

Nick, I've got a tight deadline. Can we expedite the process?

I totally get the rush sometimes. While quality is paramount, I'm flexible and will do my best to accommodate tighter schedules. Let's chat about your needs, and I'll see how we can align timelines without compromising the results.

What if I want to tweak something after it's all done?

No problem! Your satisfaction is key. Once we’ve completed a project, there's always room for minor revisions to ensure it fits perfectly with your vision. We'll discuss specifics, but I've got your back.

How do we get started?

Easy! Just drop me a line, and we'll kick things off with a chat. I'll want to understand your brand, goals, and any ideas you might have. From there, we'll map out the journey together.

Are there any hidden costs I should be aware of?

Transparency is the name of the game. Once we discuss your project's scope, I'll provide a clear breakdown of costs. No surprise fees or hidden extras.

I'm not tech-savvy. Is this going to be an issue?

Not at all. I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you're a tech guru or someone who still uses 'password' as their password (please change that, by the way), I've got you covered.

How do you handle feedback? I can be pretty particular.

I welcome it! Your input is invaluable. Being particular means you're passionate, and that’s the kind of energy I love. We'll collaborate closely to ensure the final product aligns with your expectations.

Hey Nick, what exactly is motion branding?

Motion branding is about using animated visuals (both 2D and 3D) to give your brand a dynamic edge. Instead of static logos or graphics, motion branding adds movement, giving your brand a more engaging and memorable presence in the digital space. It's like turning your branding dial up to 11 and communicating ideas in ways that good copywriting can't accomplish on it's own.

How long does it usually take to complete a project?

Great question! It varies depending on the complexity and specifics of what you need. Typically, a project can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months. We'll nail down a timeline once we chat about your needs.

Is this gonna break my bank?

I get it, budgeting is crucial. While I don’t offer bargain-basement prices, what I do promise is value. You're investing in high-quality, tailored solutions that will serve your brand for the long haul. Let's discuss your budget, and I’ll be transparent about what we can achieve and whether or not you should start selling yourself on the street corner.

Can you handle my specific industry? We're not exactly the creative type.

Absolutely! I get it, not every industry is exciting. I've worked with automotive, trucking, business tech, legal, medical, and financial businesses as well. While these industries don't get me as creatively excited as a rock band music video might, I'm going to assume you're on the same page - and we both understand that motion branding is kind of a must have for everyone these days. No worries! I'm all about tailoring my services to fit your unique vibe and needs. If you've got a brand, I'm here to make it move. You and me will just have to drink a shit lot more coffee before hand to get jazzed about it!

What if I already have branding materials? Can we incorporate them?

For sure! If you’ve got existing branding elements you love, I’m more than happy to integrate them into the motion graphics and videos we create. It’s all about making your brand cohesive and amplified.

Do I have a say during the creation process?

100%. I got you. This is a collaboration. While I'll bring my expertise to the table, I always value feedback and ensure you're onboard with every decision.

I'm new to all this. Will I get guidance on how to use what we create?

Definitely. Once we wrap up, I'll give you the rundown on how to best utilize the assets we've crafted to maximize your brand's impact.

Nick, I've got a tight deadline. Can we expedite the process?

I totally get the rush sometimes. While quality is paramount, I'm flexible and will do my best to accommodate tighter schedules. Let's chat about your needs, and I'll see how we can align timelines without compromising the results.

What if I want to tweak something after it's all done?

No problem! Your satisfaction is key. Once we’ve completed a project, there's always room for minor revisions to ensure it fits perfectly with your vision. We'll discuss specifics, but I've got your back.

How do we get started?

Easy! Just drop me a line, and we'll kick things off with a chat. I'll want to understand your brand, goals, and any ideas you might have. From there, we'll map out the journey together.

Are there any hidden costs I should be aware of?

Transparency is the name of the game. Once we discuss your project's scope, I'll provide a clear breakdown of costs. No surprise fees or hidden extras.

I'm not tech-savvy. Is this going to be an issue?

Not at all. I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you're a tech guru or someone who still uses 'password' as their password (please change that, by the way), I've got you covered.

How do you handle feedback? I can be pretty particular.

I welcome it! Your input is invaluable. Being particular means you're passionate, and that’s the kind of energy I love. We'll collaborate closely to ensure the final product aligns with your expectations.

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I'm here to help your business get that recognition and profit that it deserves with captivating motion branding and video marketing, that are inescapably necessary in today's hyper visual market.

Then let's work together to build a
business & brand 




You want to

You Love.




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